
Drew was endorsed by the people of the Republican Party of Minnesota at the House District 58B endorsing convention on April 13th, 2024. He defeated his endorsement opponent and received 77% of the votes of the people on the first ballot.

“Electing Drew Roach to the Minnesota House of Representatives can help restore balance to Minnesota and stop the destructive extremism of the political left. I ask residents of House District 58B to vote for Drew Roach this November. “

Representative Pat Garofalo, HD 58B

“Drew has worked hard for the endorsement of the delegates of 58B. I know he will continue to work hard for the constituents of 58B as their next Representative. Drew has my full endorsement as he continue to represent the conservative values and fights to protect our rights.”

Senator Dr. Bill Lieske, SD 58

“58B is a deep red Republican district and the voters of 58B deserve a conservative champion representing them in the legislature, not another milquetoast moderate, or a RINO. I am proud to endorse Drew for House because he would be a champion for us in St. Paul.”

Senator Steve Drazkowski, SD 20

“Drew is not afraid to call out the facts, and won’t  be afraid to call out the Democrats in St. Paul. Republicans have played nice for too long. As you know, the Left doesn’t play nice. We need a representative who is going to call out the indoctrination in our schools, the rampant spending at the Capitol, and the elections being manipulated. Just like Donald Trump called out the Fake News media, Drew will call out the left and he will fight like a junkyard dog just like Trump did. I endorse Drew Roach because he brings a fresh passion to fight for our collective beliefs and values.”

Senator Nathan Wesenberg, SD 10

“Over these last several years, I’ve witnessed Drew’s conviction and willingness to hold politicians accountable to their campaign promises. The type of courage it takes to hold politicians accountable, not just within the Democrat party, but within the Republican party as well, is exceedingly rare but crucially important if we’re going to restore and expand individual liberties in Minnesota. Drew will be a warrior for your liberties in St Paul so I’m happy to endorse him for State House.” 

Former Representative, Erik Mortensen, HD 55A

“It isn’t enough for Republicans to win a majority in the Minnesota House. Instead of weak Republicans who are absorbed by the uniparty, we need conservative leaders who will actually advance conservative principles. We need leaders like Drew Roach in St Paul who will never stop fighting for the people of our State. Drew has my total support and endorsement for MN House!”

Former Representative, Jeremy Munson, HD 23B